HUBBLE 3D DVD... The Hubble Space Telescope may have the best view in the known universe, but you have the opportunity to share that view, and to share it with your friends and family. No Special TV or DVD Player required, Use your existing TV and Existing DVD Player to View the Majesty of Space Walks and Close up operations on the Hubble Space Telescope, How ? I hear you Ask... Well It's a whole lot simpler than you might think. Order >>HUBBLE 3D<< the awesome DVD / Blu-Ray Documentary that was filmed for the Imax 3D theatres, and made available on 2D and 3D DVD's and Blu-Ray's (You Only Need the 2D Standard Disc for this method), and order the 3D Rollercoaster adventure DVD >>America's greatest rollercoasters in 3D<< The Coaster DVD comes with Two pair of Special Filtered 3D Glasses unlike any other you may have seen before. The Pulfrich vision glases turn any video source into 3D, Television Shows, VHS laserdisc, DVD and Blu-Ray - The Higher the resolution of the TV and the Player, The Better the result. BUT ! ! - On A Standard TV and a Normal Everyday DVD Player, The Resulting 3D Is Still Fantastic, you have nothing to lose by ordering the DVD's - Because they are Both Awesome Collectible DVD's anyway, But If you do take the plunge and Buy the Two DVD's (There are 3 Rollercoaster DVD's to Collect - Each has 2 pair of Glasses in the Cover) You WillNever look back to 2D TV Again - The Pulfrich Vision 3D Glasses allow you to Play X-Box games like Halo Reach, and Medal of Honor in 3D Also, The doors are open to a New Affordable and truly Awesome 3D Viewing experience. Watch Star Wars - Battlestar - The Hurt locker - Inception, any High Action Movie converts easily to 3D With pulfrich 3D Vision...